Spectacular views (well I know they are out there somewhere)
14th June 2020 (no ‘proper’ camera again just smartphone)
So it was time to try a slightly different route and things didn’t go exactly according to plan.
Best Laid plans etc…
Even when there is a clear path (and signpost) sometimes you second guess yourself, the GPS display didn’t look quite right so I back tracked and took a parallel path. Guess what ? I was on the correct path to start with.
Now I understand the principle of contours on a map what doesn’t quite compute is what that means for my legs. So this route which I am sure I have walked before albeit over 30 years ago was much steeper than my younger self lead me to belief. A gain in elevation of almost 500 metres in a walk of 1100 metres (according to my mate Garmin) but the views at the top would be well worth it ….. wouldn’t they ?
There’s a view out there somewhere !
Thank heavens for manmade navigational aids
Now I am a smoggy born and bread and you might think we would have evolved ‘smog vision’ but even we can’t see through a pea souper like this. So a decision had to be made trust the GPS would keep me on the right track or climb back down to the woodland where the mist/fog is a photographers friend.
Back to the trees it is, perhaps even a coffee break at my favourite log pile.
Time for coffee, but where is the view of Roseberry Topping ?
….and at the end of the day a bit of colour